The viola is a stringed instrument that is similar to the violin, but has a slightly larger size and a lower pitch.
Cello Headstock
I painted this little quinacridone colored cello headstock in watercolor on rough paper.I recently ordered some beautiful heavily textured watercolor paper. The deckled edges and the rough texture of the paper make this little sketch rustic and ethereal at the same time.
Bass Headstock
This was painted from an upright bass that I photographed at a music festival.
This is Kara.
This is Kara, 18 x 24” watercolor and ink on 156lb arches watercolor paper, 2020. Kara is a bassist and performs with the classical jazz trio Les Non Triolets.
This is Amelia.
This is Ameilia, 12 x 36” watercolor and ink on 156lb arches watercolor paper, 2020.